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Designed for architectural lighting suspensions, signage, acoustic baffles and all other installations where aesthetics are important. Ideal for light fittings, signage.

  • Disc diameter 17.5 mm
  • Side wire exit
  • Available with a variety of wire end fixings e.g. toggle, end stop etc
  • Aesthetic – the design complements modern building design
  • Discreet – supplied with 1,5 mm wire for a unobtrusive suspension
  • Quick – ergonomic button allows for easy, rapid adjustment
  • Strong – 15 kg SWL to accommodate a wide range of fittings
  • Versatile – variety of different foot and End Fixings for attachment to a wide range of products and substrates
  • Safe – no tools or ‘hot works’ permit required for installation, improving health and safety on-site



Angel Range Australia – GA Product Information

Installation Guide

Angel Range Install guide
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