Where: Bendigo, Victoria
What: Supplied Gripple cable tray suspension systems and non-structural seismic bracing
When: Construction began in 2013 and is due for completion by the end of 2016
About Bendigo Hospital requirements
The new Bendigo Hospital Project is the largest regional hospital development in Victoria, Australia. Designed to accommodate increasing demand in the future the Bendigo Hospital Project has incorporated the best elements of modern hospital design to deliver a world-class regional hospital amongst the most energy efficient and environmentally friendly in Australia.
Gripple proved to be the perfect solution to help with this goal. Gripple’s industry proven, fully certified wire rope suspension systems are ideal for use in place of threaded offering improved functionality whilst using far less material. For example, one box of Standard No.2 kits, weighs in at just 8 kg and does the same job as 150 kg of threaded rod. For every metre of Gripple wire rope specified in place of threaded rod, it is estimated that a saving of 1.2 kg of embodied CO2 is made. This equates to a total embodied CO2 saving of up to 95% when using Gripple wire rope.
The new hospital will provide 372 inpatient beds, 72 same day beds, 11 new operating theatres, an integrated cancer centre, an 80-bed psychiatry services facility, a parent-infant unit, parking for 1317 vehicles in a multi-deck carpark, 15 sort-stay accommodation units, a conference facility, and a helipad.
As with any project of this size, seismic restraints were a priority from the very beginning of the planning process. Critical in any building, but never more so than in a hospital, is that key services continue to operate seamlessly following an earthquake or seismic event.
With industry leading experience, Gripple was selected to specify the seismic restraint requirements and supply the seismic bracing solutions for non-structural components.
Catering for the people of the City of Greater Bendigo and the Loddon Mallee region of Victoria, the new buildings and gardens will provide the local community with a new meeting place with the site designed around the intention for it to be somewhere people can enjoy visiting whenever they want to, not just when they need to.
Products used on project
Standard Hanger