Bank of New Zealand
Where: Nationwide throughout New Zealand
What: Electrical, Mechanical, Fire, Plumbing, Security Seismic Restraints
About Bendigo Hospital requirements
Bank of New Zealand (BNZ) has been operating a variety of financial services throughout New Zealand since 1861. Employing over 5000 people nationwide, BNZ operates a network of 180 retail stores and partner centres.
BNZ is the first bank in New Zealand to become carbon neutral. This includes new, energy efficient buildings to house the company’s management and administration staff. The lightweight, material saving nature of the Gripple product range is perfect to help achieve this goal. Using wire rope in place of threaded rod uses up to 95 per cent less steel and gives a typical 95 per cent saving on total embodied CO2.
It is well known that New Zealand has been heavily affected by seismic events. In 2011 Christchurch suffered a 6.3 magnitude earthquake that had devastating consequences. Events such as this show the importance of properly designed seismic bracing systems fully inline with the requirements set out in AS1170.4 and NZS4219. Protecting key, non-structural components is critical in order to ensure the proper functioning of a building in the aftermath of an earthquake.
Gripple New Zealand worked closely with both consultants and installers to provide a practical and certified seismic solution for all of the BNZ Retail Stores and Partners Offices throughout New Zealand.
Gripple Seismic Bracing Systems are specifically designed and engineered to brace and secure suspended non-structural equipment (VAV boxes, fans, unit heaters, small in-line pumps, etc.) and components (HVAC duct, conduit/cable tray, and piping) within a building or structure to minimise damage from an earthquake or seismic event. Our expert engineering function ensure that the bracing meets the seismic design requirements of the non-structural components, in regards to weight loads of the types of connection and will design an optimised, cost-effective solution.